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  • The specific designation of supra-regional migration corridors for larger, preferably forest-bound wildlife is intended to ensure, improve and, if necessary, restore the functionality of a statewide biotope and habitat network. For further information see:

  • LRVA-2022: Evaluation of ecological corridor axes with regard to the permeability of sections of the ecological corridor. On the one hand, the landscape structure is assessed with regard to its permeability (LC structure index) and on the other hand, the landscape elements equipment of the ecological corridor segment (LE equipment index) is considered. The combination of these two indicators results in the combined ecological corridore index, which gives a good overview of ecological corridor areas with low permeability.

  • Project NATREG - Styria: Securing open spaces for people and nature. Detailed information on the project can be found at:

  • LRVA-2022: Current version of the integral dataset on habitat connectivity in Austria. This dataset takes into account all datasets and designations of habitat corridors from scientific projects and public sector projects (federal provinces). The dataset has been evaluated by the experts of the Cooridnation Platform "Habitat Connectivity Austria" and is updated as soon as new information and designations from projects are available. For further details:

  • Expert designation of habitat corridors at local, regional and supraregional level. Client for the Pinzgau: Salzburg Provincial Government Department of Spatial Planning and Department of Nature Conservation, Salzburg Hunting Association, Pinzgau Regional Planning. Client for the Lungau, Pongau, Tennengau and Flachgau: Department of Spatial Planning and Department of Nature Conservation, Salzburg Hunting Association. Regional and supra-regional green corridors were included in the regional programs of the Pinzgau and decreed.

  • Austrian Ecological Corridors - final version. Valued by the experts of the federal provinces. Prepared in the framework of the LE project "Habitat connectivity to safeguard biodiversity in Austria".