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  • Austrian Ecological Corridors - final version. Valued by the experts of the federal provinces. Prepared in the framework of the LE project "Habitat connectivity to safeguard biodiversity in Austria".

  • In Switzerland, there are 304 wildlife corridors of supra-regional importance (as of 2020). They connect fragmented ecosystems or suitable habitats and are vital for wildlife. This is because roads and railways form insurmountable barriers for many wild animals. Both large wild animals such as deer and stags, medium-sized ones such as foxes and hares, and small ones such as amphibians or bats need to be able to move for food and reproduction. An assessment of wildlife corridors came to the following conclusion: 47 corridors (16%) are largely disrupted and can no longer be used by wildlife; over half (171 corridors, 56%) are significantly to severely impaired; less than a third (86 corridors, 28 %) can be classified as intact. Geodata information: In a first step, the known wildlife corridors were recorded canton by canton from existing data and potential corridors were identified using GIS and divided into wildlife corridors of supraregional, regional and local interest. Subsequently, the main features of the supraregional and regional network system were visualised for the whole of Switzerland. The corridors were then classified as wildlife corridors of supraregional or regional interest according to the importance of the axis on which they lie. The data for the connecting axes and wildlife corridors were recorded and processed in GIS by the Swiss Ornithological Institute Sempach. The supraregional corridors and the connecting axes were updated by the FOEN in 2012 on the basis of information provided by the cantonal hunting administrations.

  • Modeling the course of the Alpen Kaparten corridor. Consists of the four Bottlenecks and additional core zones of wildlife in-betweeen them. Attributes: -101 - primarily core zone, buffered from centerline 250m to each side -102 - primarily border zone, buffered from core zone 150m -201 - secondary core zone, buffered from centerline 250m to each side -202 - secondary border zone, buffered from core zone 150m -112 - primarily, core - and borderzone are together, buffered 400m from the centerline on each side -0 - core zones of wildlife, big forested areas, only rough delineation

  • First of all, a GIS model was created, which aims to use a least-cost path algorithm to determine the general course of the corridors as precisely and in as much detail as possible. This is particularly necessary because the area under investigation, at more than 30,000km², covers more than a third of the total size of Austria - and thus could not be processed in a justifiable time frame on an expert basis alone. In a next step, the results of the GIS model will be used as a basis for further expert work. This offers the possibility to additionally take into account local particularities as well as findings from workshops, etc. This way, a result can be elaborated that can be used as a basis for the development of the GIS model. In this way, a result can be developed that is spatially accurate even at a scale of 1 : 10,000 - and not only in the bottlenecks. - ConNat-AT as Zip -File: complete dataset of all narrows, corridors and core areas in Austria (Esri Shapefile, EPSG 25833 (UTM N33, ETRS 1989)). Attributes: Name (designation), Cat (category: 1 core area, 2 corridor, 3 narrows), Info (link to further information), ESPrior (narrows priority: 0 no narrows, 1 primary narrows, 2 secondary narrows), Area (in ha). - ConNat-AT and Lower Austrian axes as Zip file: Corridor axes in Lower Austria: ConNat and already existing axes from Lower Austria Atlas (Esri Shapefile, EPSG 25833 (UTM N33, ETRS 1989)). Attributes: Name (designation), SymbolID (0 international corridor, 1 supraregional corridor, 2 regional corridor), Buffer (radius in metres), LASTUPDATE (last change).